Saturday, May 28, 2011


      ABDC!!!! ABCD!!!!! IAMME OR ICONIC BOYZ?!?!?!!?

DEFIANTLY.... IAmMe. I don't care what you say about Iconic Boyz, IAmMe is the way to go!! :DDDD

I AM ME!!! haha

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Vids and Shoes

      HEY GUYS! Sorry, haven't been posting lately. It's because I've been kinda busy... haha. Well so to get ya up to date: I've been beginning to do some rave gloving! And also for cool shoes, I'm getting into dunks again so here are some: Nike 6.0 Dunk SE CanvasNike 6.0 Dunk SENike Dunk SB Pac ManNike Dunk Low Pro SB... (etc..). Yea there could be more but I'm going to stop there.

      Soooooo about the videos, I have a new youtube channel called ThePonzuSauce!! All it is, is mostly dance, and less random videos. So here are my latest vids:

Practice Glove Show w/ strobe

Tutting in HK

      Yep! So thats about it! BYE! :D