Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sports :: Kung Fu, Dance

      Yeah, sports. All my friends are in sports. I used to play sports myself. I used to play baseball, basketball, one year of soccer, and one lesson of tennis. I don't play any of those sports anymore. Now I watch my friends play sports all the time and I feel like, "Hey, I used to do that! I remember when...". Although I do play some sports now. I do Kung Fu, and bboying/dance. Those count as very unique sports! Most of my friends don't do those types of sports. And that is what makes me unique and proud.

      Kung Fu: I like Kung Fu because it's about stealth, strength, form, agility and other stuff you need. It is fun for me because when I was little, I wanted to be a Kung Fu Master.

      Dance: My favorite style of dance is freestyle. I prefer to go with bboying because bboying really IS freestyle.
Top Rock

C-C's / footwork

      I think that bboying is kind of unpredictable sometimes because you don't know what move your going to do next, unless it's choreographed. Although some moves of top rock can indicate when your about to do some sort of flare. But it's sometimes unpredictable because it's FREESTYLE. I believe in dance, freestyle is the best way to express yourself.

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